2002 Police reform Act

Some police forces have sought to use ‘Direction and Control’ which is part of the 2002 Police Reform Act, to refuse investigation. This part of the 2002 Police Reform Act is treasonable for the following reasons:

1. It removes the words ‘our Sovereign Lady’ from the police oath which is to imagine Her Majesty’s death as a Sovereign Queen. This is contrary to the 1351 Treason Act. It also removes Her Majesty’s Style and Honour as a Sovereign Queen which is high treason contrary to the 1848 Treason Felony Act.

2. It purports to allow the police to apply to the IPCC for a dispensation from carrying out an enquiry into the alleged criminal conduct of a police officer. This effectively grants a dispensation from the penalty for his crime. Dispensations from the penalty for a crime are specifically refused by the 1689 Bill of Rights, which incorporates the 1689 Declaration of Rights. English Common Law therefore voids the 2002 Police Reform Act as being both bad law and treasonable.

3. It is beyond the reach of Parliament to make any law which contravenes the higher Common and Constitutional Laws of England.

4. It purports to allow, for example, constables to seize and crush motor vehicles before a conviction in court has been obtained. The 1689 Bill of Rights specifically outlaws any fine or forfeiture before a person has been found guilty of an offence in a court and for the court to decide any fine or forfeiture.

5. Magna Carta 1215 Article 39 applies in that ‘No freeman shall be taken or imprisoned or dispossessed [of his motor vehicle] or outlawed, or banished, or in anyway destroyed, nor will we go upon him, nor send upon him, except by the legal judgement of his peers or by the law of the land’ For these reasons this part of the 2002 Police Reform Act is void and ultra vires.

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