At a conference on 18th March 2017 a gathering of ECC supporters agreed a basic set of principles to be applied in any deliberations on England’s political future. Those in attendance felt that with so much debate in the British media about Scotland’s future, once again the future of England was being ignored. Several speakers re-iterated the fact that the UK Government has not yet asked the English what their view is of devolution, and as the largest nation in the union this is fundamentally unfair. In fact it should be described as it really is – complete and utter double-standards!
The ECC Conference agreed an English Claim of Right, similar to that issued by Scottish Constitutional Convention in 1989.
The text of our English Claim or Pledge is shown in full below, but works on the basis that the future of ENGLAND must be decided by the People of England, and no one else!
The English Constitutional Convention will now begin campaigning to publicise our Claim as widely as possible, and to hopefully commit as many English people to support our Claim as we can.
We, gathered as the English Constitutional Convention, do hereby acknowledge the sovereign right of the English People to determine the form of Government best suited to their needs, and do hereby declare and pledge that in all our actions and deliberations their interests shall be paramount.
We further declare:
- England is not a collection of Regions, but is Europe’s oldest unified country;
- Our nation has the same right to a distinct political voice as the other nations within the UK; and
- The People of England alone have the right to decide our future.